To create quality content for your website, here’s a short checklist of dos and don’ts to keep in mind.

Google Quality Guidelines QuoteDo:

  • Write original, unique text.
  • Use keywords in a way that reads naturally. (Remember, write for users!)
  • Write for the way people read online, with shorter sentences and paragraphs.
  • Use bulleted and numbered lists, which are easy for readers to scan.
  • Include images, embedded videos and other engagement objects.
  • Follow our guidelines for how to add keywords to your content (covered in the next step of this SEO tutorial).


  • Overuse keywords (also known as “keyword stuffing”).
  • Try to optimize for keywords that are unrelated to the website’s contents.
  • Duplicate content pages.
  • Hide text from users that shows to search engines (such as putting text on a same-color background).
  • Try to deceive search engines in any way (known as “webspam”).

Summary of Key Considerations When Writing Content

  •    Write for your customers, not spiders.
  •    Have a goal for each page.
  •    Focus on your keyword subject.
  •    Make it interesting; make it useful.
  •    Go for quality.